The team behind the website “” consists of sustainable tourism professionals and experts on wildlife and nature management. We started our common work in the Eastern Rhodope mountains by creating the New Thracian Gold network under a project funded by the Dutch postcode lottery.
The project started in 2009 and finished in 2014. A tourism destination brand “New Thracian Gold” was created and a network of local tourism entrepreneurs established. This website is the tourism platform of the New Thracian Gold network and brand in the Eastern Rhodopes, providing you the oportunity to support the sustainable development of this region by simply choosing tours and services from our network partners.
The website “” is managed by the Bulgarian company Travcobg Ltd . We specialise in assisting travelers to experience the genuine Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria and Greece. All the tours listed on this website are developed and conducted in partnership with local entrepreneurs.
Incomes from tour sales go to:
Since 2005 we have focused on creating a sustainable economy to provide a greener future for the Eastern Rhodope Mountains. With the financial help of different donor projects our team stimulated many local people in small villages to start their own enterprises and to develop guesthouses and interesting tourism activities. Thus we created a community-based network of tourism entrepreneurs who are willing to take care for the future of this small part of the world.
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